Breaker Rock Beach
Volunteer Information & Updates

Dear VBS Volunteer,
Thank you for making a difference through VBS 2024!
Vacation Bible School is a time for us to enjoy the children of our church, but also to reach out in our community to other children and their families. Each year, Southern Baptists report over 55,000 professions of faith through Vacation Bible School decisions. Another 10,000 professions of faith are reported because of follow-up. Thank you for your gift of time, effort, and energy in being a part of this effort to reach our community for Christ.
The purpose of this webpage is to help you to be a more informed and effective VBS worker. I have tried to include all significant information concerning this year’s VBS. If you notice something that is incorrect or think of something that should be added, please let me know.
The two most important things you can do to ensure the success of our school are prayer and planning. Please let me know if I can be of any help to you as you prepare. If there are any questions, please get in touch with me. If you need any special materials, resources, or help in any way, please let me know. I am available to you as much as possible before and during VBS to help you do your job. My responsibility during VBS is mainly to make your job as easy as possible.
We have a full day of hard work ahead of us. But it will be a day of service to our Lord, and it will be a day that touches the lives of children that makes a real difference in their lives for all eternity. Think of it as a day of opportunity and rely on God for the strength you will need.
Thank you again for allowing God to work through you in ministering the love of Jesus to others.
We are here by design,
Bro. Bryan

VBS Volunteer Roles

Updated 07/03/24
In assigning your role for our Vacation Bible School, I have carefully considered your expressed interests during registration to ensure you have a position that contributes positively to our program’s success.
Crew Leaders:
Preschool (Birth-4 yrs. for worker’s children only): Erin Bolton & Beth Harris
Kindergarten: Kristie Morgan & Anna Redman
Grades 1 & 2: Linda Soffer & Barbara Stratton
Grades 3 & 4: Christie Bonds & Debra Simpson
Grades 5 & 6: Pam Fowler & Jan Lovell
Rotation Station Leaders:
Worship Rally at Breaker Rock Beach & Orca Music: Bro. Bryan Bolton
Bible Study at Sandcastle Cove: Susan Bitely
Tide Pool Crafts: Barbara Miller & Ann Smith (Cassidy Howell, student helper)
Ship Rec: Keith Bolton & Dan Crowder
Sea Lion Snacks: Pat Bethea, Cindy Crowder, Kandy Moore, Candy Weaver, & Renee White
Bonfire Missions: Rana McClain
Administrative Leaders:
Registration Attendants: Anna Redman & Linda Soffer
**Note: these ladies will join their crew groups once Worship Rally begins.**
Greeter/Security: Jim Simpson
Picnic Coordinator: Cindy Blackstock
Worship Rally Decorations (working on Tuesday, July 9, at 9:30 am):
Bro. Bryan Bolton & Tommy Fowler
Hallway Decorations (during office hours July 9-11): Crew Leaders
Rotation Station Decorations (during office hours July 9-11): Rotation Leaders
Announcements and Updates:
The T-shirts Have Arrived!!
The T-shirt Table will be in the Foyer on Sunday, July 7!

Tips for Success in VBS


  • Pray for the school, fellow workers, and yourself.
  • Plan your work, then work your plan.
  • Know your resource material and your lesson plan.
  • Have all material ready ahead of time.
  • Be present at least 15 minutes early on VBS day.
  • Start and stop on time.
  • Take advantage of every opportunity to witness to boys and girls.
  • Have fun!!! Show boys and girls that being a Christian is fun!!!
  • Pose rules in positive terms such as “Walk in the hallways” rather than “Don’t run.”
  • Call children by name.


  • Miss any opportunity to teach Bible truths.
  • Miss any evangelistic opportunity.
  • Let pupils decide the direction of your class – lead them.
  • Get discouraged.
  • Harbor negative thoughts or remarks. Save suggestions for evaluation.
  • Set a bad example in your teaching attitude.
  • Come with a sour or discouraged disposition – come happy, enthusiastic, and prepared to work.
  • Expect boys and girls that have never been in a church setting to know how to behave.
  • Point out a child for bad behavior – take the child aside to talk to him or her.

Most importantly – remember VBS should be a fun experience for a child. Don’t be too restrictive but make this a safe place for each child!!!

Important VBS Links

We are using the DAY 4 materials for our One Day VBS.


Jesus is the Only Way
Preschool: The Bible is True


John 14:1-6; 18-20; Acts 1:9-12
John Wrote about Jesus

Some People Say

There are many ways to get to heaven.

God Says

Jesus is the only way to get to heaven.
Preschool: The Bible is true!

Thank you for serving!